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Testicle Bigger Or Lower Than The Other: Why?

Testicle Bigger Or Lower Than The Other Why

Testicle Bigger Or Lower Than The Other: Why? – The human body is not naturally perfect: some limbs or body parts may be slightly asymmetrical, and private parts are no exception. The testicles, like the breasts, can differ in size and weight. Doctors on Live tell you how to make sure your testicles are healthy.

Is It Normal To Have One Testicle Different From The Other?

A testicle measures 3 to 4 centimeters high, 2 to 2.5 centimeters wide, and weighs about 18 grams in adulthood. Its size can vary slightly during the day: indeed, under certain phenomena, such as stress, sexual intercourse or temperature variations, the testicles can move and change in volume. Finally, be aware that their shape and size do not influence male fertility.

What Are The Reasons Why One Testicle May Be Lower Than The Other?

Depending on their size and Earth’s gravity, it is normal for one of the two testicles to be lower than the other: the left testicle is located a little lower than the right testicle. In addition, to function correctly, the testicles need an average temperature of 34 to 35°C. Therefore 2 to 3 degrees lower than the average body temperature, which is around 37°C. It allows them to ensure their homeostasis, that is, the ability to maintain a uniform temperature, an essential factor in the production of sperm and male sex hormones, including testosterone.

What Are The Reasons Why One Testicle May Be Larger Than The Other?

It is pretty standard for one testicle to be a little larger than the other. On the other hand, an increase in the size of a testicle, whether sudden or gradual, can also be linked to underlying health problems. Here are the leading causes of swelling of one or more testicles:

How To Check The Health Of Your Testicles?

It’s essential to check your testicles regularly and know what’s normal for you to identify any changes. The testicles should be smooth, without bumps or lumps, and firm without being hard.

The best time to checkered your testicles is during or after a warm shower or bath when your scrotum is tranquil.

Hold your scrotum in praise of your hand and use your fingers and thumb to examine each testicle.


If you sign any of these signs, refer your doctor quickly to rule out any risk of serious illness, such as testicular cancer.

Common signs of testicular cancer include:

When Should You Consult?

Persistent pain, a significant difference in size between the testicles, a growth, the feeling of heavy testicles or the presence of liquid in the grants: all these signals should alert you to the state of health of your testicles. If you knowledge one or more of these symptoms, make an appointment quickly with your doctor or by teleconsultation with a doctor on Live: they will be able to establish a diagnosis and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

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