Mental Health – Definitions

What is Mental Health? – Definition, Helps, Calms Minds, And More – The importance of captivating care for mental health is life heard with increasing force in the public debate, and the truth is that it is still a pending issue in many aspects. But today, we are not going to go into health policy. I will give you some recommendations of small things that you can do in your daily life to take care of and improve your mental health. You can do much more than you think.

Mental Health is Everyone’s Business

Your physical health is not something you leave solely to your GP. You act every Day to take care of yourself, watching what you eat or playing sports, among other things. The same thing happens with mental healthIt is not a subject reserved for psychologists and psychiatrists. You can do a lot to feel good. That is why I have prepared that list of recommendations for you. They are not complicated.

What is Mental Health_ – Definition, Helps, Calms Minds, And More (2)

Disconnecting from the city Helps your Mental Health

Several studies relate living in large cities with a greater probability of suffering from some mental illnesses. It is likely unpaid to the stress inherent in large cities. Therefore, an excellent trick to take care of your mental health is disconnecting and seeking contact with nature.

If you have the opportunity to go to the countryside or to natural sites from time to time, it is ideal for enjoying a calmer and more relaxed atmosphere. Also, walking outside allows you to get your dose of sun, something essential to feel good.

Being Active and knowing How to Rest Helps your Mental Health

The feeling of doing nothing with your life can take a toll on your mental health. I mean when you realize that you have spent hours and hours in the week watching TV or browsing social networks without doing anything productive. And it’s not that any of those activities are bad per se. Simply, if you abuse them, it can generate frustration.

On the other pointer, if you are more active and do productive things, you will feel that your existence has more purpose. It is an idea similar to the previous one (setting small goals), but to escape apathy and activities that eat a lot of time without contributing much.

Of course, you should not fall into excesses either. Sometimes it is very good to rest, especially when you have been with a lot of activity and stress in your life. Finding a balance is an exciting challenge.

The Relationship Between Good Sleep and a Calm Mind

Too many people underestimate the need to get enough quality sleep each night. It is a must for all aspects of your health, especially your peace of mind.

I’m not successful in going into much detail about tips for a good sleep because I already have a detailed article on the blog. But keep in mind that you need a routine, avoid watching screens an hour before bed, have a comfortable bed, silence and darkness. It is also advisable not to overeat and go to sleep as soon as you notice the first signs of sleep.

Learn To Let Go Of Things

One of the main obstacles to mental health is obsessing over things. There are many ways of doing it. Some people are overly perfectionistic and not satisfied until items meet rigorous criteria. It makes them very unhappy. Others get caught up in repetitive thoughts about negative aspects of their lives.

Learning to let go of things and accept that we can neither control everything, have everything perfect, nor change the past is challenging. I am aware that this is much easier said than done. But, if you become aware of your obsessive behaviours, it helps you relativize and decide to let go of them.

Watch out! You are unhappy. I don’t mean to ignore the things that make. That wouldn’t help at all. It’s about recognizing them, accepting them, and learning to move on with your life. And, if it’s hard for you, you can ask a professional for help to give you guidelines.

Sport and Mental Health

The aids of playing sports go far beyond being in good physical health and affect your mental state. There are several reasons for this.

What is Mental Health_ – Definition, Helps, Calms Minds, And More (1)

The first is that playing sports produces some endorphins that improve mood. What’s more, there are even studies that indicate that playing sports is very effective in reducing the symptoms of depression.

But, at the same time, doing sports allows you to be fitter.  It has an indirect effect on your mental health simply because many activities in your daily life cost you less. And if we add to that the self-esteem benefit of looking better physically, the benefits are undeniable.

Focus on the positive

What if you decided to stop and think Day or every week about good things that have happened to you lately? We tend to focus only on what has not worked for us or adverse events. It is perfect for remembering everything positive and feeling grateful for it. Sometimes it’s little things like a laugh with friends, a good meal, an exciting book, a beautiful landscape, an achievement at work, etc.

We Need to Socialize and Talk

Human beings are social animals, and for our mental health, we need to be in contact with other people. It is essential to fill time with family and friends and share. We need to talk, exchange ideas, sometimes open up about our feelings and let off steam.

And that is especially important when we feel worse. If this is your event, do not miss the opportunity to contact people in your social circle. Closing in on yourself is usually not a solution. Talking with others allows us to receive another point of view and relativize many things happening to us. Touching And hugging are good for mental health

Did you know that a ten-second hug is enough to release oxytocin in your brain? It is familiarly known as the hormone of happiness, and of course, it helps to have better mental health. So, from time to time, having a hug with a friend, a family member, or even a pet helps you feel much better. Moreover, playing does not necessarily have to involve third parties. In the blog, I commented some time ago on the benefits of self-massage, for example.

Give yourself Small Goals for the Day

A different way to take care of your mental health is by making small achievements every day. It doesn’t have to be very difficult. When you start your day, you can set a goal, such as doing a little sports session, fixing something at home, calling a loved one, etc. The fact of proposing to do something and fulfilling it generates a small satisfaction that helps you feel more fulfilled and happier.


Mental and physical health are similarly important components of overall health.  For example, depression increases the risk for many physical health problems, particularly stable conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Similarly, the attendance of chronic conditions can increase the risk for mental illness.2